
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Break so far...

Brad and I have pretty much been bumming around the past few days. On Saturday I went to work, graduation, and to a friend's wedding. It was a really nice wedding. They definitely put their personal touch to the ceremony, but it fit them perfectly. She came down the aisle to a song from Phantom of the opera. The reception was small, but nice. Sandwiches and cake and punch and such. It was a lot of fun. :) After the wedding Brad and I had a little Christmas celebration. I got him lots of little things, and he seemed to like them all. I got him a hat for the cold weather, the DVD of The Princess Bride, The Tales of Beetle Bard by JK Rowling (it just came out), a screw driver set, and some undershirts/boxers. The last was more of a joke because I made him throw out some of the nasty ones. Haha.Brad with the present to be opened. And there's the book and the hat I got him below.

I wasn't sure what Brad had gotten me. I was really surprised and really liked what he did get me...

Look closely, do you see the gift? It's a set of pearls! Real ones! It came with earrings, a necklace and a bracelet.

After opening gifts, we built a gingerbread house. I think it turned out nicely. Here's the Front finished:

And the rest of it:
And it even made it through the night! Surprisingly, it's still standing. I think it's a lovely little centerpiece for our little table. :)

Today, I'm going to finish up the Christmas gifts I made everyone and I'm going to finish up my Israel scrapbook. I'll probably put in a movie and just spread out all my stuff on the floor. Brad is going to go into work at 5 and won't be home until 9, so maybe that's when I'll do my pages.

Tomorrow is youth group, and instead of a lesson we're going to walmart to buy gifts for a family that had their house burn down recently. It should be a fun time. Brad is going to come this time too because he doesn't have anything else to do, and Jerod needs as many helpers as possible, especially when he's turning us loose in walmart. Haha. It's those middle school boys you have to watch out for...

Thursday morning we're planning on heading north. We're going to get up early, and leave by 8 and drive until we can't anymore. Hopefully we'll get a good 10 or 11 hours in. Maybe 12 if we don't get too grumpy. Brad's car doesn't have cruise control though, so he has to stop and stretch more often than if we had cruise. We just bought him a lumbar pillow, so hopefully it will help a little bit. It even has a massager in it... Plus I'll probably drive some of the way too. It can't be too hard, we just go until we get there. See y'all soon!


Did you guys get your Christmas cards yet?

Thursday, December 11, 2008


I finished finals. Woot! I spent the afternoon addressing Christmas cards. I'm missing a few addresses, but I'll get them soon enough. :) Hopefully I'll get them out tomorrow morning, or maybe this afternoon on my way to work.

Tonight we're having Matt and Gordon over for a celebratory dinner. I'm making Chicken, rolls, stuffing, an broccoli. Hopefully it won't taste like crap. Haha.

From here on out, it's just relaxing time until we leave for the Great White North. I'm working this afternoon, tomorrow afternoon, and Saturday morning. Brad is going to go to Graduation while i'm at work. Then we have a wedding to go to for one of my friends I work with. After that, Brad and I are exchanging Christmas gifts and building this Ginger Bread house thing we found at walmart. Hopefully it won't fall apart.

I'm gonna have to go shopping for Brad's gift tomorrow afternoon. I have no idea what to get him. He bought the movie earlier this week that I was going to get him. I'll just have to wander the store until I find something that he would like. I have a couple ideas, so that's good at least.

Well, I need to get ready to go to work. See you all soon!


Sunday, December 7, 2008

Saturday, December 6, 2008


We went to Marshall with Anna and Jeremy last night to look at all the lights. It was super cold so we walked around for a little bit, just enough to take some pictures, and then we drove around. It was pretty fun. We showed Anna and Jeremy where Brad proposed last year, and then did a cheesy little re-enactment. After we got back, we all watched Home Alone (Matt and Gordon came over too). It was really fun. Tonight I think Matt and Josiah are going to come over to play settlers of Catan.

So far I haven't done a whole lot today. I'm letting my brain rest before finals week. Regular classes are over, finally. It was a really good week. Since I got most of my work done before I left for Nashville, I didn't have a whole lot to do this last week. Which made it relaxing, in a weird way. Brad had to stay up late a couple of nights in a row to get Senior Design documentation done. He finished it, but he put a lot of hours into it.

Oh, and no ring for Anna yet. Soon, I expect.