
Monday, January 28, 2013

Meme of the Week

I'm only a little bit sorry for the bad word. This meme makes me laugh and basically is my life.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Style File 1-25-13

I thought I would show you a take on "the suit" for work. I've noticed I've been doing a lot of style files of what I would wear outside of work, but I decided that isn't 100% fair. I spend more time at work than I do not at work, and lately when I'm not at work I go home and put on yoga pants (no, there will be no yoga pants featured on the blog). I'll definitely be doing more "at work" style files over the next couple of weeks. I find I quite enjoy the challenge of balancing "conservative office" with my style.

 I feel a bit Mad Men in this outfit. I think it's the bow/ruffle on the shirt.
 I'm really digging the trend of colorful patterned skirts lately. I tried to get a close up of the skirt, but my camera wasn't 100% cooperating and I was freezing. Maybe another time. I enjoy the colors on it though, mustard, grey, and mauve.
Yes, colored tights! Do you know how long it took me to work up the courage to get colored tights? Probably like three winters! And now I will never go  back. Promise.

Outfit Rundown:
Jacket- New York and Company (super on sale!)
Ruffle Button Up- Gap
Skirt- Target
Tights- We Are Colors
Shoes- Me Too (DSW)

Monday, January 21, 2013

Meme of the Week

I, fortunately, do have today off. I know a lot of you don't. So this one is for you! :)

I am not trying to make light of an important man in our history. Just FYI.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Meme of the Week

I can't be the only one, right?

Friday, January 11, 2013

Style File 1-11-13

 The weather was a bit dull today, so I apologize for the grey photos. But you know, I had fun with these ones. I love my new lens!
Despite it being a grey day, I decided to go out and take some photos. When it's hot I tend to gravitate toward skirts and dresses, but lately it's been cool and I have been wearing jeans and a sweater. That's just how it rolls in January, right?
 The flannel shirt under the sweater is SUPER comfortable and so much more versatile than I thought it would be. I bought it for a country themed day at work, and I have worn it so many times since.
 Louisianna came with me this time because she deserves to get out. She was very sick over the weekend but she is feeling much better now!
 This necklace came from the Seed Company. It's made from recycled paper so it's super light. The Seed company does Bible translating. Brad's Grandma bought me this for Christmas. I believe it was made by women who were trained to do a trade.
 I just liked this picture. It's totally gratuitious.

I am tired this week. It was my first week back at work and first week of classes. It got a bit crazy. I'll adjust though... such is life! How are your weeks going? I hope all is well!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Meme of the Week

This is in honor of the fact that today is my first day back at work after 17 consecutive days off. Oof. Here goes nothing...

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Things to look for in 2013

I mentioned in a previous post that I want to have a bigger presence on my blog. This might (eventually) involve me moving to another address, but for now it will just be here. I have a couple ideas for things I would like to do:

1- You'll notice that I added a page over on the right called "2013 Reading List". I'm going to record which books I've read throughout the year there, so be sure to check it out periodically. Since I'm in grad school, some of them will likely be boring for you but that's ok. I'm trying to allow myself more time to read this year instead of simply vegging out in front of the TV. I listen to books while I run, so if you notice an audio book that seems to be taking eight months to get through... you'll know why (Lately I've been sticking to 5ks. When you only run 3 times a week for 20 minutes at a time... it will take a while to get through a book).

2- I'm going to put up more recipes. This will be a twice a month thing. They will be healthy recipes and the pictures might only be iPhone pics. If you know me at all, it's that I'm quite passionate about healthy eating (i.e. no processed foods, whole grains, whole (real) foods).  I want to share ways in which I have made this a priority in my life; and if I can do it, you can too! I promise I won't get super preachy though, because the way I eat may not work with your lifestyle. I just want everyone to be healthy in the way that works for their own lives.

3- Meme of the Week. I browse pinterest a lot. And I am forever finding little memes that make me laugh out loud. Some of them are funny because they're true. Some are funny because they're wildly inappropriate. Some are funny because I relate way too much to them. And I want to share some funny because sometimes in the middle of the work day, we need some funny.

4- Style Files. I want to put more of these up. I would like them to be weekly, but since this IS my last semester of grad school I can tell you that it might get hairy. But I am going to try my best. 

Here's the new schedule for things:
Monday- Meme of the Week
Wednesday- Style File
Thursday- Recipe
Friday- random stuff. Like if I decide to do another photo a day, the week's worth of photos will go up here.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Style File 1-1-13

 It has been a very enjoyable Christmas season. We visited my family for Christmas and then came to Brad's family's house for New Years. Brad got me a 35mm lens for Christmas, which I am greatly looking forward to playing with more. I noticed a big improvement in my image quality in this set of pictures simply because I used my new lens. Brad's mom and dad got me  my remote shutter release. How have I done almost two years worth of style files without it?! It's awesome!

 These yellow pants are a new favorite of mine. You'll probably see them styled several ways in the coming weeks. Also, yes, I do wear socks with flats sometimes. My feet get cold, ok?
 This sweater is fun. I'm still learning how to expose my pictures perfectly, so it's hard to see some of the details on the dark sweater, but I love the bow on the shoulder. Also the sweater is not black, it's a dark burgundy color. Or "oxblood" if you're one of the trendy ones. ;)
How was your Christmas? I'm asking, so please if you're reading publish a comment about it! What did you do? Did you have any fun gatherings? If you don't celebrate Christmas tell me about what you do this time of year.
  What are your New Year's goals? I'm not usually one that thinks too long and hard about my resolutions, but I do have a few goals I would like to accomplish and some things I'm looking forward to over the course of the next year.
Here are my goals for 2013:
  • Learn how to better expose my photos and continue improving on my photography skills
  • Get back on my workout and eating plan. I don't want to lose weight, but just get back to eating whole, healthy, non-processed foods. I got a food processor for Christmas, so I think I'll be able to try lots of new things I didn't try before (home made pesto, anyone?)
  • Share more food on the blog, take more style files, and in general blog more. 
  • Commit and do a better job of being disciplined about my scripture reading and prayer times
  • not being such a homebody and actually seeking out opportunities to get to know my acquaintances better
Here are things I'm looking forward to in 2013:
  • Finishing my Master's (summer 2013!). Possibly starting classes to become state licensed to teach
  • Celebrating my little brother's high school graduation
  • A healthier me
  • More active blogging presence
  •  Getting curtains for our living space (yeah, we did move in six months ago. Don't judge)
  • Saving up for a trip
  • Visiting my soon-to-be-born honorary nephew, Nathaniel Cole!