Today has been an ok day. Brad had to go into work this morning, so when he got up at eight I surprised him by making him breakfast while he was in the shower. I made him bacon, eggs, a huge pancake, and cut up an orange. It was pretty good, if I do say so myself. After he left I worked on some homework and did the laundry until Brad came home at 12. Since we had eaten a pretty big breakfast, neither of us were hungry for lunch so we went to Solheim and worked out. When we got back and showered we ate pizza (the pizza dough in the bread maker is pretty good). Lunch was really late today, so that means neither of us are hungry for dinner yet! But that's ok, we have left over pizza and snacks for when we do get hungry.
This semester is shaping up to be a very busy semester. My school work isn't too bad, it's just my other commitments. They all happen in the evening... so my evenings are jammed. I made the decision today to not go to Bible study. I am very sad to have to make that decision, so I've been thinking of ways all day to avoid it. I think I might talk to Carl and see if it would be possible to only work two shifts a week. If not, my compromise is to work from 4:30-5:30 on Tuesday and Thursday, which would only leave me a half an hour short of the required hours. I'm hoping, though, that he'll just let me drop a shift. We'll see though, he gave me grace last semester. I've also been thinking about quitting my job just because I'm really busy. But I think our finances say that I need the job.
I did get a part in the play that the school is doing. I am sharing the role of Susan with a friend of mine (Kelsey) so we get to split the performance time. I'm kind of excited about being in a play again; it's going to be so much fun! The only unfortunate thing is that rehearsals are at 9pm. So that means I'm going to have to give up going to bed early and getting up early. That's ok though, I'll be able to manage. Instead of getting up at six i'll get up at 7:30. I think I can take that. Haha.
I haven't got much other exciting news to relay. My life is getting back into the swing of things, so that means routines, routines, routines!
Pepperoni Pizza Puffs
23 hours ago