I am sitting here at work. I was pretty bored so I decided to make a blog post! My boredom is your gain!
This past weekend Brad and I were at a Disciple Now weekend with our youth group. They divided us up into small groups (high school boys, middle school boys, high school girls, middle school girls) and those groups stayed at different host homes. We had big sessions were there was a band and a speak and such, and then small group sessions in our host homes. I taught our high school girls; Brad helped teach the high school boys. It was a really fun time. The theme was "live love"; so we talked about how as Christians we are called to lives that imitate Jesus' love for others. Things we talked about were loving others, loving God, obeying God, and a few other aspects of "living love". I thought it was pretty good. Sometimes I'm afraid the girls didn't get much out of it, but at least they were there. I was lucky because I had my own room and my own bed, so I slept fairly decently over the weekend. Some other leaders weren't so fortunate, haha. Most of the girls slept in the living room, so they were up for a while. Overall, I think the weekend was a good weekend even if it didn't go perfectly.
The month of February has been very busy. I'm looking forward to it slowing down a little! Every weekend Brad and I have had something going on. This weekend I am hosting a recipe exchange and movie night. We're going to watch Julie and Julia, so it's a cooking themed evening! I'm looking forward to it; it will be nice to hang out with girls! We're all so busy that we hardly have time to hang out anymore. It's kind of sad, but I suppose that's how life goes sometimes.
Brad and I have been watching the Olympics almost every evening. Unfortunately they never play the events I want to see when I am able to watch them! Figure skating is my favorite, but I've only caught a couple routines here and here of Ice Dancing. I'm hoping to watch some of the women's figure skating and maybe the pairs skating (did I miss that already?). They also never play any of the hockey. It's sad... I like hockey. :( They did play the last two minutes of the USA vs. Canada game. They must play all the hockey on a station that we don't get here.
I went to our church's young adult small group this week. Brad has been going, but this was the first week I had enough time to be able to go. It was really good. They're looking at the life of Peter and his faith walk. Last night we looked at the episode in Matthew where Peter is walking on water out to Jesus. It was a pretty good study. I'm looking forward to going back. Speaking of churches, I found out about a church that will be looking for a new youth pastor in July. I'm not sure if I will apply for it because I really like the church we're at. I don't really feel like we're supposed to leave yet. I guess I just need to pray about it and see what I'm supposed to do. I'm really starting to flounder a little about jobs. Everyone is sending out resumes and such, and I have no idea when I should start doing that. All the jobs I can think of are hiring immediately, so I can't really apply right now. I won't be available to work until at least the third week of August. I'm trying not to worry about the job situation because I know that something will work out. It always does.
Pepperoni Pizza Puffs
23 hours ago