10 Honest things about me:
1) I am a full time student, and wife.
2) I help lead a small group in the youth group at the Church I go to.
3) Can't wait to have kids, but not for a long long time.
4) I'm a fairly tidy person. Messes bother me.
5)I LOVE to sing. I love music in general.
6) I recently attended the National Youth Worker's Convention in Nashville, TN and had an awesome time. I learned so much to apply to the youth group I will lead in the future.
7) I like the winter.
8) I love to cook.
9) I like to be fashionable, but I only buy if it's on sale!
10) Christmas is my favorite holiday, by far.
I am going to be lame and not pass this on... because I don't know any bloggers!