
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Year in Review

With it being New Year's Eve, I thought I would do a little year in review post.

2011 has been an interesting year. I feel like we've made no significant changes in our lives, but we did do things. In fact, if I were to describe 2011 with one phrase it would be "Little changes". Here are some of the little changes that affected us this year:
  • Last January, Brad began classes for an M.S.- Mechanical Engineering through Perdue University
  • I started a job at Regent University in April
  • This summer we hosted lots of visitors and traveled lots of places, including Boston.
  • We bought new couches! Haha, I still need to feature them, but only after we get the livingroom finished off.
  • I started training for a half-marathon
  • We re-vamped how we eat, cutting processed foods/sugars and trying our best to follow The Eat Clean Diet
It's been a good year. Tomorrow I'm going to post some goals for next year, so come back then to see what sorts of things I want to accomplish in the next 12 months. Until then, here are my top five Style Files from over the course of the year. I guess they're not a "top five". Just my five favorites. :) 

 I think this year I've allowed my style to sort of "grow up" in some senses because I have to dress professionally (i.e. conservative) for work. But i've also grown up in that I'm beginning to wear what I want to wear, regardless of whether or not it "goes" or is something someone else would wear. I'm having fun, and that's what Fashion is all about, right?

Friday, December 30, 2011

Style File 12/31/11

 Look at this! Two style files in one week! I'm up at my parent's house in Michigan. It's been great being home! We've been hanging out and relaxing. Brad, unfortunately, got sick but he went to the doctor and seems to be doing much better. I was sick last week, and so, it's now his turn to deal with it. Kind of a damper on things, but honestly, we can't do much right now because of the ice and snow out. But that's Northern Michigan for ya. :)
 It has been really great hanging out with my family. I've missed them. The holidays make me especially reminiscent and makes me want to move closer to home. Some day that may be a possibility, I'm hoping anyway.
 This outfit features two things I got for Christmas. The first I'm going to mention is the scarf. My grandmother got me two scarves; I'll shoot a style file later with the other scarf. I love the colors on this one. It will go with many of my outfits, and it has an awesome texture to add.
 You may recognize these boots and jeans from my Black Friday Style File. They're so comfy I've been wearing them a lot! Those pants... they're super super comfy.
 I picked this sweater up at Gap not too long ago. I love the texture in it.
 These earrings are awesome. While this isn't the best picture of them, you can get the idea. Brad's cousin Grace gave them to me for Christmas. She made them herself! I love the feathers. They're just the right amount of funk to add to my outfits. With those colors too, they'll will go with a lot of my things! I love pops of color and these definitely accomplish that.

Also, what you don't see in these pictures is the fact that it is only TEN DEGREES OUT. I took these photos in less than fifteen minutes. By the time I got back into the house my fingers were completely numb and I couldn't bend them. Oof. 

Outfit Rundown:
Sweater: GAP
Grey Layering tank: ANA, JC Penny
Scarf: gift
Earrings: gift
Jeans: JC Penney
Boots: JC Penney

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Style File!

 This year for Christmas we were in Marion, IN visiting Brad's parents. Christmas morning we got up and got ready for Church. I opted for a wintery outfit without being majorly Christmassy. Plus it was very comfortable, so that's always a bonus.
 Brad is making an appearance for this style file! He got some new clothes at Express and is looking very fashionable these days. Fit is key, guys! The photographer pant (that's what Brad is wearing) is amazing. It's tailored and fits very well, especially if you happen to be tall and trim.

The shirt he's wearing is an extra slim fit, again good for those of you who are tall and trim.

This is just a gratuitous shot of us.  I think we're cute. :)

I love this sweater. It's thin, so it worked well from September until now in VA Beach, since it hadn't really cooled off until then. And I like the color. This shade is practically universally flattering. Go try it! :)

My Outfit Rundown:
Sweater: GAP
Necklace: Gift; Renfest
Skirt: The Limited, thrifted
Tights: Simply Vera Wang (kohl's)
Boots: DSW

Brad's Outfit:
Shirt and pants: Express
Shoes: DSW
Woman: Gaylord, Mi ;)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Just a quick note:

I am alive! :) It's just a busy season between Christmas shopping, getting sick, and upping my running mileage. I will be posting a Style File soon, I'm hoping before the New Year. I am traveling to Indiana and to Michigan, so that's where they're going to be shot! Promise!

But if I don't "see" you before then... Merry Christmas! I hope you are all having a wonderful Christmas season and that you allow yourselves to enjoy it. I know that it's really tempting to let stress spoil it all, but don't let it! It's ok to say no to a bajillion holiday parties. It's ok to not have your Christmas shopping done yet. It's ok to not bake one thousand cookies for that Church cookie swap (should have taken my own advice on that one ;) ).

But it is NOT ok to miss out on the joy of Christmas. Spend time with your loved ones. Relish in watching silly cartoons and Christmas movies, all while sipping too-sugary hot cocoa and eating some of those cookies you baked earlier!

I would also like to issue a small challenge. I know I just said relish in the season. And I want you to; but I also want you to think about how you can help make Christmas better for someone else; then I want you to act on that. Donate food to a food pantry. Volunteer your time at Toys for Tots. Serve a meal at a soup kitchen. Give your postman, hair dresser, or waitress an extra big tip just because. Take some cookies to your leasing office or neighbors. Just do something. :)


Monday, December 5, 2011

Style File 12/5/11

 I have been looking for new jeans for a very.long.time. Jeans are always so difficult. But I finally found GAP Perfect Boot cut jeans, and I love them. They have a great amount of stretch, fit well, and are long enough for me. My number one problem with jeans is the length. I am at an awkward height where regular length jeans are too short, and long jeans are too long. Well, they're too long until I wash them a couple times. These are quite long, so these might be my new "wear with heels" jeans, which I am completely fine with.
 Sometimes I like to put unexpected colors together, like teal and red. I think it works because it's broken up a bit.

I'm also loving stripes. That is all. :)

Outfit rundown:
Drapey sweater thing: Target
Striped shirt: GAP
Jeans: GAP
Shoes: Target (old).

Thursday, December 1, 2011

What's for Lunch?

This week has been long and tiring. I especially love taking extended weekends for holidays, but it definitely makes coming back tiring. So to be honest, cooking this week has been boring. We have been scrounging for stuff because i'm tired and don't feel like cooking. Or we've had to be somewhere so I didn't take pictures.

In lieu of dinner pics, I thought I would share with you what I packed for lunch and snacks today. :)

Morning snack (around 9:30 or 10 am): plain, nonfat greek yogurt with a smidge of honey stirred in. Clean pumpkin bread.

Lunch (around 12:30 or 1): banana and peanut butter wrapped in a whole wheat tortilla (all natural nut butters are a great source of protein. My favorite is almond butter), broccoli florets, baby carrots, and some crackers (Trader Joe's multigrain cracker minis).

Afternoon snack (around 3:30 or 4): 1 apple and scant handful of almonds.

What sorts of things do you pack for lunch?

Oh, also because it's December first, I am going to share one of my favorite Christmas youtube videos (also posted on Facebook). It's an oldie but a goodie!