
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Year in Review

With it being New Year's Eve, I thought I would do a little year in review post.

2011 has been an interesting year. I feel like we've made no significant changes in our lives, but we did do things. In fact, if I were to describe 2011 with one phrase it would be "Little changes". Here are some of the little changes that affected us this year:
  • Last January, Brad began classes for an M.S.- Mechanical Engineering through Perdue University
  • I started a job at Regent University in April
  • This summer we hosted lots of visitors and traveled lots of places, including Boston.
  • We bought new couches! Haha, I still need to feature them, but only after we get the livingroom finished off.
  • I started training for a half-marathon
  • We re-vamped how we eat, cutting processed foods/sugars and trying our best to follow The Eat Clean Diet
It's been a good year. Tomorrow I'm going to post some goals for next year, so come back then to see what sorts of things I want to accomplish in the next 12 months. Until then, here are my top five Style Files from over the course of the year. I guess they're not a "top five". Just my five favorites. :) 

 I think this year I've allowed my style to sort of "grow up" in some senses because I have to dress professionally (i.e. conservative) for work. But i've also grown up in that I'm beginning to wear what I want to wear, regardless of whether or not it "goes" or is something someone else would wear. I'm having fun, and that's what Fashion is all about, right?


  1. what an awesome 2011. Love your style file! Look forward to more style, food tips and updates on your running.

  2. Looks like you had a great year! I so badly want to get into running. I ran for about 15 minutes on the treadmill last week. Hey, it's a start! Nate is running a marathon in May. I don't think I could ever do that.. maybe a half though!

    Love the style files! :)
