
Friday, June 7, 2013

Style File: 21 Weeks

Well, here I am in Michigan! I didn't bring my laptop so I had to abscond my brother's computer to be able to put up the blog post. He has a Windows 8 computer, and let me tell you... Windows 8 is very very different than my iOS macbook. ;) As photos are straight from the camera and unedited. I'm not too worried about it because I don't tweak my pictures a ton...but thought I would give you fair warning.

I had to do some shopping before my trip because I realized... I had hardly any pants that were comfortable. I've embraced the full panel pants. I discovered I am big enough the demi-panel folds down and squishes weird now that the belly is large. ;) I like these mint jeans. I've decided that I'm going to take some risks with my maternity style because, why not?

It's a bit cooler in Northern MI than I am used to, but I am loving being able to bust out this denim jacket. There is about a two week window where I can wear such a thing at home before it starts getting wayyyyyy too hot for that business. It should be great weather for the outdoor open house tomorrow. We've been busy putting together centerpieces, baking cookies, putting together's been a lot of fun. I'll probably make a bonus post next week showing you all the crafty things I helped with for the party.

Babies are moving a lot more. I can feel them kicking from the outside occasionally. Brad got to feel one of them kick on Sunday. Those strong movements are still not all the time, but I'm definitely feeling them more often. We've picked nursery colors (expect future posts on the progress of that!), registered for our cloth diapers, and begun talking names more seriously. I feel like we've gotten a lot done in the past week. Of course, a lot of it is on hold for a bit since I'm not home. Over all, I'm feeling pretty good and am ready to tackle some of the projects on my list! 

Outfit Rundown:
Jeans- Liz Lange Maternity (Target)
Tshirt- Old Navy
Jacket- Calvin Klein (Thrifted) 

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