
Friday, August 2, 2013

Style File: 29 Weeks

 Today was an interesting day. It started out pretty rough with a fairly nasty run-in with some of my neighbors about my dog. In my opinion they were being silly, rude, and could have gotten their point across in many much nicer ways. Yelling at a 29 week pregnant woman is just lame. Well actually, treating anyone the way they treated me today regardless of pregnancy status is wrong. I don't understand how people get away with treating others like crap.

I love our physical condo and the people we rent from are awesome. What is not awesome is the attitudes that are fostered in an area where the Condo Association rules. Oh well. These are probably the same people who reported us to the association for having window AC units when our central air conditioning broke. Trying not to let them bother me, but the more I think about it the angrier I get! Sometimes you need to cut people a little slack and remember that people are people. It's not all about your stupid property value. And that's all I'm going to say about that. Oh, and that I went to whole foods and bought myself a dang pick-me-up muffin and it was very tasty.

Today's outfit is just simply "I'm running errands". The shorts are super comfy. Thanks Old Navy for making some maternity shorts that a reasonable in length and don't ride up! T-Shirt is a Target Special. After my chiropractic appointment, I ran to Trader Joe's and Whole foods to stock up on a few things. I've stopped shopping exclusively at Trader Joe's lately because Target has a lot more all natural and whole food options these days. Also because I don't have the time or energy to go to five different stores. This week, though, I needed to hit some of the bulk bins at Whole Foods so I also stopped at Trader Joe's. It was actually relaxing and made me feel a lot better about life.

This week was a good week. I think this was the first week in all of July I worked a full week. The second if you count 4th of July week because that was a holiday and everyone was off. I've been feeling pretty good but the third trimester tiredness is creeping in. I (finally) got an exercise ball. It really does help relieve lower back pain after a long day in my crappy office set up. I've been trying to eat better this week too. It's so easy to just eat crappy because I don't feel like cooking. I managed to cook every night this week and we didn't grab any "to go" food from Chick Fil A or Panera. Yay! In full disclosure, last night was an Annie's Mac and Cheese night, but that's because we didn't get home until late and we were both starving.

 Can you spot the photo bomber in this pic? I assure you she's not being cute and smelling the flower. I had to get after her to not eat the flower. Silly dog. Doesn't she know that stuff can sometimes be poisonous!?

Anyway, we got home late because I scored a BOB Ironman Duallie off of Craigslist for 175 bucks. We went to get it after work last night. The stroller is definitely used, but should work just fine for what we need it for. You can't even buy a piece of junk jogger stroller for 175 bucks! I'm excited about it because hopefully it will allow me to get out there and run more often and sooner after the babies get here. I was thinking about my fitness routine prior to pregnancy and it was pretty intense. I ran 5ks most days of the week and did a long run once a week. Sometimes I would do a work out DVD if I decided to take a day off from running. I just won't have the time to invest in running like that anymore, unless of course the babies are Champs in the jogger and I have no problem taking them out there with me. We will see, but this will make things a lot easier for both Brad and I to stay fit.

I'm not holding out on pictures of the babies' room. I promise. We literally just haven't done much. Brad finished up his class last week. This weekend we are doing a birth class so I am hoping once that's over we can focus our efforts on getting the room set up. I have a baby shower on the 10th so definitely after that I'll start buying stuff pretty hardcore. ;) When it's done I promise I will share with you! I'll at least get the pics of the dresser up sometime this week. There was a bit of a fiasco with finding screws to fit the darn drawers, but I'll tell you more about that later!


  1. You look so great! Those girls are growing so well, love the belly. I'm glad you got an exercise ball. It was a God send for my hips. It's great to get used to sitting on it now so it can be help in labor too.

  2. Yea for the awesome stroller steal!!! I can't wait to see the girls' room, but in the meantime, you look amazing!!
